
bible study
Join us for our inductive daily Bible study. It is called “SOAPY,” using the first letter in the five steps followed. Daily texts can be found online or by using a daily reading guide. You will need some form of journal. Spiral notebooks, three ring notebooks, or bound journals work well.
S – SCRIPTURE: Read the scripture passage aloud so you can hear it. Second, write the scripture in your journal. If it is long, write out the significant portions. Both reading it aloud and writing it will help put the scripture in your mind and heart.

O – OBSERVATION: Ask yourself the question, “What might God like to teach me in this scripture?” As you ask yourself the question your mind may be full of thoughts.
Write those thoughts down.

A – APPLICATION: Ask yourself the question, “How does this scripture apply to my life?” As you reflect upon the question, look for promises in which to take comfort, attitudes to change, challenges to accept, sins to confess, commands to obey, actions to take, examples to follow, or skills to learn. Write in your journal how the scripture applies to you and to your life situations. Be specific.

P – PRAYER: Write a prayer to God. Depending on what you have read and written, the prayer might be one of praise and thanksgiving, a prayer asking God to help you apply the teaching to your life, or a prayer of confession. This is your prayer to God. The discipline of writing your prayer will help lead to transformation. 

Y – YIELDING: As you complete your “SOAPY” Bible study, ask yourself the question, “What of my life must I yield to God?” This is the question that leads to obedience. Every day, through this Bible study, you will have the opportunity to yield a little more of your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. A prayer that may lead to yielding is, “Lord, by your grace grant me the obedience of this part of my life to you today.